Confused Words: Censure and Censor

The Difference Between Censure and Censor


It’s easy to get the words censure and censor confused. Here is a quick explanation: The word censure means to express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement. Censor, however, means to ban parts of a book or film.

Let’s now explore the difference in more detail!

What is the Difference Between Censure and Censor?

Censure and censor are often mistakenly used interchangeably. However, the difference in meaning between these two words is significant, and it’s crucial to use them appropriately.


The word censure can be used as a verb or as a noun.

  • As a verb, censure means to criticize severely, typically in an official or formal manner. It’s an act of condemnation or reproach.
  • As a noun, censure refers to an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism.


  • Censure as a Verb:
    • The Congress will censure one of its members for conflict of interest.
    • The Senate voted to censure the senator for his unethical behavior.
    • The board of directors decided to censure the CEO for his mishandling of company funds.
    • The school principal was censured by the parents’ association for his inappropriate remarks during a meeting.
    • The media outlet faced criticism after it censured the journalist for reporting on sensitive political issues.
  • Censure as a Noun:
    • His dishonest behavior came under severe censure.
    • The company’s decision to cut employee benefits met with widespread censure from the workers’ union.
    • The politician’s remarks about immigrants sparked public outrage and drew heavy censure from various advocacy groups.
    • The artist’s controversial painting received both praise and censure from art critics.
    • The teacher’s harsh disciplinary methods led to parental censure during the school board meeting.


The word censor can be used as a verb or as a noun. As a verb, it means to examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it. As a noun, it refers to a person who censors.


  • Censor as a Verb:
    • His letters home were censored.
    • The government censored the news report to remove any sensitive information.
    • The social media platform censors posts that violate its community guidelines.
    • The film was heavily censored before it could be released in certain countries.
    • The editor decided to censor the article to avoid offending any readers.
  • Censor as a Noun:
    • The film censors said that the film contained offensive language against minorities.
    • The book was banned by the censors for its controversial content.
    • The government appointed strict censors to review all published materials.
    • The film had to undergo several edits to appease the censors.
    • The artist’s work was heavily scrutinized by the censors before being displayed publicly.

Censure and Censor Distinction Table

DefinitionExpressing severe criticism or disapproval, often formally or officially.Suppressing or restricting speech, information, or expression deemed unacceptable.
Part of SpeechVerb / NounVerb / Noun
Examples– The Congress censured the senator for unethical behavior.
– His dishonest behavior came under severe censure.
– The government censors the media to control information flow.
– The book was banned by the censors for its content.
Censure and Censor Distinction

Censure or censor Quiz

  1. What is the primary difference between censure and censor?
    • a) Censure is a verb, while censor is a noun.
    • b) Censure is used to ban parts of a book or film, while censor is used to express severe disapproval.
    • c) Censure involves criticism or disapproval, while censoring involves controlling or suppressing information.
    • d) Censure refers to an act of condemnation, while censor refers to an act of approval.
  2. Which of the following is an example of censor as a noun?
    • a) The government censored the news report to remove any sensitive information.
    • b) The film censors said that the film contained offensive language against minorities.
    • c) His letters home were censored.
    • d) The editor decided to censor the article to avoid offending any readers.
  3. What does censure mean as a verb?
    • a) To ban parts of a book or film.
    • b) To criticize severely, typically in an official or formal manner.
    • c) To express strong feelings about something.
    • d) To examine officially and suppress unacceptable parts of something.
  1. In which sentence is censure used as a verb?
    • a) His dishonest behavior came under severe censure.
    • b) The Congress will censure one of its members for conflict of interest.
    • c) The politician’s remarks about immigrants sparked public outrage and drew heavy censure from various advocacy groups.

1. c) Censure involves criticism or disapproval, while censoring involves controlling or suppressing information.
2. b) The film censors said that the film contained offensive language against minorities.
3. b) To criticize severely, typically in an official or formal manner.
4. b) The Congress will censure one of its members for conflict of interest.

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