How To Conjugate The Verb “forbid”?
Let’s delve into the conjugations of the irregular verb “forbid” in different forms: the simple present third person, the present participle, the past simple, and the past participle.
Let’s start by defining the verb “forbid.”
Understanding the Verb “forbid.”
Not to allow something to be done.
It is forbidden to smoke here.
The law forbids racial discrimination.
They’ll forbid him to leave the country.
Let’s conjugate the verb forbid in different forms:
1. The Present Simple Third Person Singular
- forbids
2. The Present Participle
- forbidding
3. The Past Simple
- forbade/forbad
4. The Past Participle
- forbidden
Irregular Verb Pattern
– Verbs with ‘-en’ in the past participle.
– Verbs like ‘write, wrote, written’