Phrases for Interrupting People

Phrases for Interrupting People in English


In conversations, it’s important to know how to interrupt people politely, whether it’s to seek clarification or to express disagreement. Mastering the art of interrupting people politely while maintaining the flow of conversations can enhance communication and keep discussions flowing smoothly.

Below are some useful phrases for interrupting people effectively and respectfully.

Interrupting People Politely

Interrupting someone can be necessary in a conversation, but it’s crucial to do so politely to avoid coming across as rude or disrespectful.

Polite interruptions show that you value the conversation and the speaker’s contributions while also ensuring that your own thoughts and opinions are heard.

Situations Where You May Want to Interrupt People

Here are some situations where you may want to interrupt someone in a conversation:

  1. Seeking Clarification: When you don’t understand a point or need more information, interrupting to ask for clarification can help you grasp the conversation better.
  2. Expressing Agreement or Support: If you want to express agreement or support for something someone is saying, interjecting with a supportive comment can affirm their point.
  3. Disagreeing Respectfully: When you disagree with someone’s opinion or perspective, interrupting respectfully to offer a differing viewpoint can lead to a constructive exchange of ideas.
  4. Adding Relevant Information: If you have additional information or insights that are relevant to the ongoing discussion, interrupting to share your input can enrich the conversation.
  5. Redirecting the Conversation: When a conversation veers off-topic or becomes unproductive, interrupting to steer it back on track can help maintain focus and relevance.
  6. Responding to Urgent Matters: In situations where there’s an urgent matter that needs attention or clarification, interrupting to address it promptly can be necessary.
  7. Managing Time: When there’s a time constraint or agenda to follow, interrupting to ensure that all points are addressed within the allotted time frame can be important for efficiency.
  8. Handling Misunderstandings: If a misunderstanding or miscommunication is occurring, interrupting to address it and prevent further confusion is essential for clarity.

Useful Phrases for Interrupting People

Here are some helpful phrases you can use to interrupt someone politely:

  1. Excuse me for interrupting, but…
  2. Do you mind if I interrupt you, …
  3. Sorry to butt in, but may I just…
  4. Before we move on to the next point, may I add…?
  5. Excuse me, may I add to that…?
  6. Do you mind if I jump in here?
  7. I don’t mean to intrude, but…
  8. Pardon me, but…
  9. Excuse me, but…
  10. Just a minute! …
  11. Apologies for the interruption, but…
  12. Would you mind if I interject for a moment?
  13. Forgive me for cutting in, but…
  14. May I interpose briefly to mention…?
  15. If I may interject, …
  16. Allow me to intervene here for a moment.
  17. I hope you don’t mind me interposing, but…
  18. If I could just interject here, …
  19. My apologies for interrupting, however…
  20. Could I just say something here?
  21. Let me interrupt you for a moment to say…
  22. I hate to interrupt, but…
  23. If I could just jump in here, …
  24. Excuse the interruption, but…
  25. I beg your pardon, but…
  26. May I interject for a moment?
  27. Forgive me for interjecting, but…
  28. Just to interpose, …
  29. Could I add something here?
  30. Allow me to interject briefly, …
  31. I’m sorry to interrupt, but…
  32. Do you mind if I interpose?
  33. I’d like to add to that, if I may…
  34. Could I offer a quick comment?
  35. Pardon the interruption, but…

By incorporating these phrases for interrupting people into your conversations, you can effectively and respectfully interject when necessary.


Using the above phrases for interrupting people politely may sometimes be essential for effective communication. Using expressions like “Excuse me for interrupting” or “Do you mind if I jump in here?” can help you maintain conversations smoothly and ensure that your thoughts and opinions are heard.

Remember to use these phrases respectfully and judiciously to maintain a positive and productive dialogue.

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