Personalized Learning Vs Differentiated Instruction: Understanding the Key Differences

Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction

Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction? What are the similarities? And what are the differences?

Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction

Both take into consideration the learners’ needs and interests. However, they differ in the way teaching is delivered. In Differentiated Instruction, the teacher works to create a differentiated environment for all learners, and learning is teacher-led. Personalized learning, however, is often student-led. It often gives the learner more control over their learning experience.


Differentiated instruction and personalized learning are two teaching approaches that share many similarities but also have distinct differences. Both have theoretical principles grounded in constructivism and research on multiple intelligences and motivation. They both adhere to a learner-centered approach to teaching. The difference lies in the fact that personalized learning allows for more control over the learning process than differentiated instruction.

In this blog post, I will explore the similarities and differences between both approaches.

Let us start with the theoretical principles that both approaches are grounded on.

Theoretical principles

Differentiated instruction and personalized learning are both grounded in constructivist and humanistic learning theories.

These theories recognize that learners as individuals have differences (e.g., multiple intelligences, learning styles, learning needs, etc.) and construct their own understanding of the world. They learn best when instruction is tailored to their individual needs, interests, and abilities.

Both approaches also prioritize student-centered learning and recognize the importance of student agency and choice in the learning process.

By building on these theoretical principles, differentiated instruction and personalized learning offer educators powerful tools for meeting the diverse learning needs of students and promoting their academic success.

Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction
Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction

Differentiated instruction is an approach that seeks to address the diverse learning needs of students in a single classroom. It involves adjusting the content, process, and products of instruction to meet the varied needs, interests, and abilities of students. 

The goal of differentiated instruction is to create a learning environment that is responsive to the individual needs of each student, allowing all learners to succeed and reach their full potential.

Teachers use various strategies such as flexible grouping, tiered assignments, and varied instructional materials to differentiate instruction.

Personalized learning

On the other hand, personalized learning is an approach that puts the learner at the center of the learning process, focusing on their unique needs, interests, and abilities. 

Personalized learning aims to create a more individualized and flexible learning experience, where students have greater control over their learning and can work at their own pace, in their preferred learning style, and on topics that are relevant and meaningful to them. 

This approach often utilizes technology to personalize learning, allowing students to access a variety of resources and learning tools.

Differentiated instruction VS. Personalized learning

While both approaches aim to meet the diverse learning needs of students, there are some key differences. Differentiated instruction is often teacher-led, with the teacher making adjustments to instruction based on student needs. In contrast, personalized learning is often student-led, with the learner having greater control over their learning experience.

Another difference is in the level of customization. Differentiated instruction involves adjusting instruction to meet the varied needs of students within a classroom, while personalized learning aims to create an entirely customized learning experience that is tailored to each individual student.

Differentiated InstructionPersonalized Learning
Adjusts instruction to meet the varied needs, interests, and abilities of students.Puts the learner at the center of the learning process, focusing on their unique needs, interests, and abilities.
Creates a learning environment that is responsive to the individual needs of each student.Aims to create a more individualized and flexible learning experience.
Utilizes various strategies such as flexible grouping, tiered assignments, and varied instructional materials to differentiate instruction.Often utilizes technology to personalize learning, allowing students to access a variety of resources and learning tools.
Often teacher-led, with the teacher making adjustments to instruction based on student needs.Often student-led, with the learner having greater control over their learning experience.
Adjusts instruction to meet the varied needs of students within a classroom.Aims to create an entirely customized learning experience that is tailored to each individual student.
Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction

Personalized Learning vs Customized Learning

While the terms “personalized learning” and “customized learning” are often used interchangeably, they have distinct differences that are important to understand in the context of educational approaches.

Personalized Learning

Personalized learning focuses on tailoring the educational experience to meet the unique needs, interests, and abilities of each student. It is often student-led, giving learners more control over their pace and path of learning. Technology plays a significant role in enabling personalized learning by providing access to a wide range of resources and learning tools. Key characteristics include:

  • Student Agency: Learners have a significant say in what and how they learn.
  • Flexibility: Students can progress at their own pace and choose learning paths that suit their interests.
  • Use of Technology: Digital tools and platforms are frequently used to customize learning experiences.

Customized Learning

Customized learning, while similar to personalized learning, typically refers to the broader adaptation of the educational environment to suit individual learning styles and preferences. It often involves more structured and systematic adjustments made by educators to accommodate different learning needs. Characteristics include:

  • Teacher Involvement: Educators play a central role in designing and implementing customized learning plans.
  • Structured Adaptations: Adjustments are made to the curriculum, instruction methods, and assessments based on individual student profiles.
  • Goal-Oriented: Focuses on achieving specific educational goals through tailored instructional strategies.

Key Differences

  • Control: In personalized learning, the student has more control over their learning journey, whereas in customized learning, the educator designs and implements the learning adjustments.
  • Approach: Personalized learning is often more flexible and fluid, adapting in real-time to the learner’s needs. Customized learning involves more predefined adjustments based on thorough assessments.
  • Technology Use: While both approaches can leverage technology, personalized learning heavily relies on digital tools to facilitate self-directed learning, whereas customized learning may use technology to support specific instructional strategies designed by teachers.

Individualized Learning

Individualized learning is a subset of customized learning. It specifically focuses on addressing the unique learning needs of each student by providing a tailored educational experience. While customized learning might involve group-level adjustments, individualized learning hones in on one-on-one instructional methods.


  • One-on-One Focus: Emphasis on meeting the specific needs of each student individually.
  • Personal Learning Plans: Each student may have a distinct learning plan that addresses their strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
  • Targeted Instruction: Educators provide instruction that directly caters to an individual student’s learning style and pace.

Key Differences Between Customized and Individualized Learning

  • Scope: Customized learning can include broader adaptations that affect groups of students, while individualized learning is narrowly focused on the needs of each individual student.
  • Implementation: Customized learning involves systematic changes often driven by teachers, whereas individualized learning typically involves creating personal learning plans and targeted instruction for each student.

FAQs: Personalized Learning vs Differentiated Instruction

What is the main difference between personalized learning and differentiated instruction?

The main difference lies in who controls the learning process. Differentiated instruction is teacher-led, with the teacher adjusting the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of students. Personalized learning is often student-led, giving students more control over their learning paths, pace, and style.

How does technology play a role in personalized learning?

Technology is integral to personalized learning, providing students with access to a variety of digital tools, resources, and platforms that allow them to learn at their own pace, explore their interests, and receive immediate feedback.

Can differentiated instruction and personalized learning be used together?

Yes, both approaches can complement each other. Teachers can use differentiated instruction to cater to diverse classroom needs while also incorporating elements of personalized learning to allow students more control and choice over certain aspects of their education.

What are some strategies used in differentiated instruction?

Some common strategies include flexible grouping, tiered assignments, and using varied instructional materials. Teachers may also provide different pathways to learning by adjusting the content, process, and products based on student readiness, interest, and learning profile.

What is individualized learning and how does it differ from personalized learning?

Individualized learning involves tailoring instruction and pacing to meet the specific needs of each student, often through one-on-one support. Personalized learning also tailors the educational experience to individual needs but places a stronger emphasis on student choice and control over their learning journey.

Why is student agency important in personalized learning?

Student agency is important because it empowers learners to take ownership of their education, which can increase motivation, engagement, and ultimately, their ability to learn effectively. It allows students to pursue their interests and strengths, making learning more meaningful and relevant to them.

What are some challenges of implementing personalized learning?

Challenges can include the need for significant teacher training, ensuring equitable access to technology, and balancing standardized curriculum requirements with personalized learning plans. Additionally, teachers must be adept at managing diverse learning paths within a single classroom.

How do educators assess student progress in personalized learning?

Assessment in personalized learning often includes a combination of formative and summative assessments, self-assessments, and digital tools that track student progress. These assessments are designed to provide ongoing feedback and help students reflect on their learning journey.

What role do parents play in personalized learning?

Parents play a crucial role by supporting their child’s learning goals, providing a conducive learning environment at home, and staying engaged with teachers and the learning process. They can also help motivate and guide their children in making informed choices about their learning.

Can personalized learning be applied in all educational settings?

While personalized learning can be adapted to various educational settings, its implementation may vary based on resources, teacher training, and the specific needs of the student population. It is most effective when supported by a flexible curriculum and adequate technological infrastructure.


Differentiated instruction and personalized learning are both valuable teaching approaches that can help to address the diverse needs of learners. While they share many similarities, they differ in terms of their focus, level of customization, and approach to teaching and learning. Ultimately, the choice between the two approaches depends on the unique needs and goals of the students and the teacher’s instructional style and preferences.

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Tags: differentiated InstructionTeachingterminology
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